Leah Williamson Leah Williamson

Today in Black Pilates History

It’s easy to talk just about Kathleen Stanford Grant during Black history month however there is so much more history going on that needs to be acknowledged in the Pilates community.

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Leah Williamson Leah Williamson

I'm Here, I'm Queer & I teach Pilates

When Sonja asked me to write something for Pride month, I was like sure. Then I was like, "what the hell do I write about? I’m a solo-polyamorous Black Queer Femme who is currently not getting laid because my lover lives on the East Coast and COVID-19 is fucking up my game.

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Leah Williamson Leah Williamson

8 Ways to Keep Your Studio Safe and Clean

With more people choosing to return to Pilates Studios for classes, can you keep yourself and clients safe during the developing coronavirus situation? The answer is, YES!

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Leah Williamson Leah Williamson

Black Girl Pilates: A Revolution

We are almost 400 strong all over the world with a sister Facebook group of Black womxn who are students or potential students (400+). The momentum these sisters have created in the Pilates method is indescribable and I don't see us stopping anytime soon.

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